Pushing Through the Storm

Photograph by Chad Diamond

I’m sure every person, atleast once in their life has felt that the storm ahead of them has got them beat. That no matter the preparation, or forewarning of the bad to come, that event would still get the best of them. 

We as individuals try so hard everyday to avoid the bad. We prepare and do everything we possibly can to avoid hardship. It’s human nature to want things to go as easy as possible. Let’s face it, no one ever says “I hope this will be the hardest thing I’ll ever endure”. 

Yet no matter how much we try, the storm of bad to come will eventually rain on our parade. It will flood our lives with sorrow, hate, anger, sadness and so much other emotions beyond the imaginable. 

Sometimes these storms pass by fast, like passing showers on a sunny day. While other days it feels never ending, like a hurricane tearing everything around you apart. 

Although these storms may hinder the skies above, don’t ever feel beat. The sun will always break through the clouds and clear the skies. At moments these storms may be catastrophic and destroy all that was in its path, don’t be consumed in the damage. Instead look forward to rebuilding what it destroyed. You were blessed with the chance to start over and build up your life even stronger.

With every bad moment in life we learn how to better prepare for the next storm ahead. With out the bad, we would never learn how to truly appreciate the good around us. Cherish the days of sunshine and happiness, and learn from the days of destruction and sadness. Our worst days define us as individuals and how we will continue to build up our charecter to better face the hardships along our path to greatness.

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