Advice I Was Given

I was told during my years growing up “be determined in all that you pursue”. This advice has stuck with me in all that I do.

I was told during my high school years “if you have a goal to become something, you must first convince your self it is possible before it’ll ever happen”. I decided then that every day I will tell myself no goal is unachievable.

I was told during my years in sports “you are only as good as your biggest flaw”. For that, I reflected upon my charecter to know that their is always room for improvement.

I was told during moments of hardship “stay strong, for you are never truly alone”. To that I realized the value of friendship and family.

This life is full of lessons, hardship, dreams, nightmares and so much more. “This life is full of surprises. So seize the moment, for this life is yours for the taking”.

So for all you reading I’m telling you, “this life can either be the dream you choose it to be or it can be the nightmare that consumes you”.

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